[外絮] Lawrence Frank:今年夏天的目標就是簽回PG與Harden @ NBA



Lawrence Frank on Paul George and James Harden: "We want to retain those
guys. We're hopeful we can."

"Our intent is to bring them back ... but they'll have choices [as other
teams bid for their services]."

Lawrence Frank談到Paul George與James Harden:"我們想要留下這些人。我們有希望我們



Lawrence Frank says that Kawhi Leonard is "still dealing with inflammation."
Frank iterates that "It's not a structural thing" for Leonard, but that if a
game was to be held today then Leonard would not be able to participate.

Lawrence Frank說Kawhi Leonard"還在處理他的發炎。"Frank再次強調Leonard沒有受到結


L Frank on Intuit Dome selling points: elite players, good performance, arena
will be "one of one, a showcase arena around the world", doesn't believe
injuries one year means they will happen the next

And, no more excessive afternoon games. (not me editorializing to be clear)

Frank說新主場將會有:菁英球員、好的表現且Intuit Dome會成為世界的示範場館之一,他



Lawrence Frank mentioned that they're going to sit down with Ivica Zubac and
his representatives to talk about a potential extension and that if one makes
sense for both parties then they'll try to get it done.

Frank說他們即將與Ivica Zubac與他的代表談論續約的事宜,如果雙方能合意那他就會盡



Lawrence Frank on Clippers coach Tyronn Lue: "Our hope is that Ty is the
coach of the LA Clippers for a long time ... I love him as a person and as a
coach. ... He has a great way of connecting while still holding guys
accountable. ... Our hope is Ty is here for a long time."

Lawrence Frank說:"他們希望Ty (Lue)是洛杉磯快艇長期的教練...我喜歡他做為一名教練


L Frank on Westbrook player option: very similar to last summer, "Russ has a
decision to make"



Lawrence Frank says that last season they "had too many guys" but that this
season, as a result of the James Harden trade, was the inverse problem as
they were probably a player or two short, and that the team is going to work
through the offseason trying to address that issue.

Frank說上一季快艇輪替"有太多人"但這季在James Harden交易案後問題反過來變成少1-2


Lawrence Frank understands the Clippers have fallen short once again with one
of their best players injured again. But he says while it has happened four
straight years of finishing without their best player, Frank says it doesn’t
mean it’s happening again next season.



Lawrence Frank: "We're still big believers in that the window is still open.
... But we can understand the [outside] skepticism."

Lawrence Frank:"我們仍堅信快艇的奪冠窗口還開著...但我們也理解外界的質疑。"

我只能說 總管比我樂觀多了XD

1FEZ78: 100M就有會不會想太美 05/07 08:21
2Fwazabi: 2個MVP+1 FMVP以及一個all star但只有一輪遊,樂觀 05/07 06:27
3Fairash800513: 6樓,今天是冠軍戰就算了,有KD那個前例在,現在才 05/07 06:00
4Fcloki: GM肯定先扛 最後約有沒有簽才是真的 05/07 04:58
5Fballer0allen: PG 3年一億差不多 05/07 08:19
6Fkurenaiz: PG去其他隊拿頂 你要看有沒有空間 以及年數 05/07 07:28
7Fdati: 三年一億這種激怒型的合約Frank想都不敢想 05/07 09:30
8Fwazabi: 不起來 05/07 06:27
9FEZ78: 光是他今年的球員選項就48還49M了 05/07 08:22
10Fballer0allen: 其他隊也不會給頂薪 05/07 08:19
11Fhanslins: 可愛即使沒受傷,今年快艇要過小牛雷霆金塊灰狼綠 05/07 06:07
12Fkanyon: 可愛這樣奧運能比賽嗎 05/07 06:48
13Fj3307002: 哈登應該可以拿個養老約 05/07 06:16
14FeineFrage: 場面話 05/07 07:07
15Fkurenaiz: 如果其他球隊不出最長最頂 PG也沒啥誘因去 05/07 07:28
16Fkurenaiz: 快艇應該是壓到跟可愛差不多 還有年數較短 05/07 07:28
17Fskyfly0104: 有時候腳痛為了打球不想一直輸球都會吃個止痛藥先 05/07 05:10
18Fairash800513: 第一輪,就算打藥過了,難道能一路打藥到冠軍戰? 05/07 06:01
19Fkashnes: 而且可愛又不爭歷史定位,沒必要勉強打 05/07 05:19
20Fowen2356: 西河要放手了 05/07 10:20
21Fcross980115: 要是連GM講話表態都沒信心的話,問題可就不小了 05/07 04:37
22FeineFrage: 說不上樂觀不樂觀,這就只是公關發言場面話。 05/07 07:07
23FEZ78: 說啥 據說快艇開的是可愛的合約 是150M好嗎… 05/07 08:20
24Fhanslins: 賽四關我都認為機率小於1% 05/07 06:07
25FDonDonFans: 這不是樂觀 這算是連自己都騙了吧 05/07 06:47
26FEZ78: 這倒是真的 總不能說他相信可愛明年還會繼續躺 05/07 04:39
27Fhanslins: 連更慘的太陽公開講都只能樂觀了 05/07 06:33
28FDonDonFans: 連第一輪都過不去的球隊 大談奪冠... 05/07 06:48
29Fstocktonty: 養老院賣票魂 05/07 08:51
30FkawhiHarden: 就算陣容一樣明年也一樣結局啦 可愛季後躺醫院 05/07 06:48
31FXDKab1g0n: Frank 你真的好樂觀阿ww 05/07 06:31
32Fj3307002: PG應該去其他隊拿頂薪 05/07 06:16
33Fkobby: PG換個大哥吧 每年季後賽都在躺 05/07 10:18
34Fdati: PG目前行情很好!! 再來今年49M的PO...三年一億XDDDD 05/07 09:29
35Flove1500274: 不www代www表www明www年ww不www會www再www發www生 05/07 07:21
36Fcross980115: 他總不能講得很悲觀吧 05/07 04:36
37Fhasroten: 先騙自己 05/07 07:13
38FGsun: 反觀 05/07 07:03
39Ftako24145: 可愛就帶傷上了啊 打那個樣子不如別上 05/07 05:26
40Froger2623900: 可愛那表現要帶傷上不如不上 05/07 08:31
41Fjosephpu: 場面話居多,畢竟白白放掉喬鬍也不是好事 05/07 07:20
42Ftotoro7923: 奧運通常只打10-15分吧 ,很夠了 05/07 06:54
43Fwww2967: 快電給錢豪嬤 頂薪鼻要囉嗦最大年限就對了 05/07 09:48
44Fotaku690: 法禿! 05/07 04:35
45FBronyXrG: 火腿該看看這才叫正常的公關發言 05/07 07:48
46Fskyfly0104: 為啥季後賽重要時刻發炎不能吃消炎止痛藥打球?我 05/07 05:09
47Fkevin186012: 爆薪資 05/07 05:28
48FRyo5566: 猜他會養傷吧沒理由打奧運 05/07 06:55
49Fhanslins: 現在市場pg價格比可愛高欸,我對可愛已經沒有期待 05/07 09:09
50Fkauw: 繼續無冠 05/07 06:42
51Fkurenaiz: 講話當然要樂觀 總不能說我們失敗了 全部推倒 05/07 07:27
52Fhanslins: 這幾年打藥硬上沒有一個有好下場的,退一萬步講, 05/07 06:07
53Fkashnes: 這種事情可愛在加入快艇團隊肯定都跟球團談好〃特權 05/07 05:18